Faith No More could never pick their favourite songs, as Mike Bordin said 'they are all our children'.
Recently we asked you to vote in one on one song match-ups on Facebook which proved interesting and fun but inaccurate and sometimes frustrating. Not all favourites were in the brackets and some tracks were unfairly dismissed too early.
Some publications have ranked FNM's catalogue before but never has a poll included the opinion of the fans. If you are a Faith No More Follower you are well equipped to take part and we invite you to help us compile the ultimate FNM song ranking table .
Below is a list of all the Faith No More songs recorded over 30 years from 1985 to 2015 excluding remixes, demos, bootlegs and live recordings (with a few exceptions). Consider carefully and rate each song from 1 to 10. We will collect the information and compile a comprehensive ranking.
Thanks and enjoy fuckers.