We asked you to rank every Faith No More song from 1 to 10 to compile the ultimate chart. Here are the results.
"You're perfect yes it's true... But without me you're only you."
17,345 fans responded to our FNM song poll from all over the world. The results were predicable in many ways but there were also some surprises.
We asked Bill Gould what he thought of the results, "When people speak disparaging of FNM, they like to refer to us as a “one hit wonder”. Not to bash that song, It’s nice to see that the so-called “one hit” did not even make the top 10 with the real fans."
Thank you to everyone who took part and here are the top ten Faith No More songs chosen by you.
10. Last Cup Of Sorrow
(1997 - Patton, Gould)
Faith No More's second single from 1997's Album Of The Year is a shift back their darker roots after the fluidity of their previous two records. As with the majority of FNM songs the rhythm section is rock solid crowned with layers of melody and hypnotic jingles from Roddy Bottum.
The whimsical accompanying video directed by Joseph Khan is a parody of the 1958 Alfred Hitchcock film Vertigo with Mike Patton playing James Stewart's character.
9. Everything's Ruined
(1992 - Gould, Bottum. Patton)
The third single from 1992's Angel Dust is quintessential FNM and it is easy to recognise why this song ranked so highly. Thumping bass combined with Mike Bordin's pounding rack of toms, earsplitting guitar and ethereal piano melodies create instantly recognisable sounds.
The video, directed by Kevin Kerslake, remains a fan favourite regardless of it's seemingly cheap production, and watching Jim Martin run in fear from a giant tortoise is a career highlight.
8. Stripsearch
(1997 - Hudson, Patton, Bordin, Gould)
Another Album Of The Year single reaches the top ten. Embracing computer technology it demonstrates FNM's ever changing style and their refusal to be pigeonholed. Jon Hudson's guitar solo and Patton's falsetto ohs and ahs are otherworldly.
The video for this song was filmed in Berlin, directed by Philip Stolzt and based on a screenplay written by Bill. Filmed with stark lighting and very little colour, the result is one of the most dramatic and gritty Faith No More videos.
7. Just A Man
(1995 - Gould, Patton, Bordin)
From the 1995 album King For A Day Fool For A Lifetime this song illustrates the band's diversity and readiness to write in any genre and is a perfect addition to the top ten greatest songs.
Bill's fun and poppy bass line drives this magnificent composition - add oriental flavoured keyboard tones from Roddy and miraculous operatic vocals from Patton and you have one of the band's most extravagant songs ever written. It has been a staple in FNM's set since 95 and often the closer.
6. Ashes To Ashes
(1997 - Hudson, Patton, Gould, Bordin, Bottum)
The final 1997 song in the top ten and a heavyweight for sure, it would seem fans agree that this is greatest song from the album. Unforgettable guitar riffs from Jon to a signature backdrop, definitive FNM.
The song was released as the premiere single from Album Of The Year accompanied by a dark and sinister video directed by the late Tim Royes. The sombre scenery was appropriate of the music and the impending demise of the band.
5. The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies
(1995 - Gould, Patton, Bordin)
If our Facebook poll taught us anything it is that GAOME is certainly a fan favourite. Track four from King For A Day... is a brutal sensory attack with aggressive guitar licks from Trey Spruance and rottweiler vocals charged with self-loathing from Patton. This song sums up the band's 95 attitude perfectly. Although it is the surprise entry in our top ten without a doubt it deserves to be here.
4. Caffeine
(1992 - Gould, Patton)
No surprise that the second Angel Dust track makes the top ten as it thoroughly illustrates FNM's golden era. Jim's complex riffs, Bill's trademark twang and possibly some of Patton's best lyrical work ever as he pays homage to his favourite stimulant.
3. King For A Day
(1995 - Gould, Spruance, Patton, Bordin)
So the title track from 1995's King For Day... is the highest ranking song from the album in our poll with an average of 8.7 out of 10. Again the backbone of the song is Bill's pulsating bass accompanying by mesmerising acoustic guitar ....
The song would seem to be a metaphor for life as Patton guides us through the uppers and downers of a party.
"I like the regal feel of it... Not so much regal - it does change its ambience, but - it sorta maintains a largeness to it, like a presence, like you're inside some sort of large chamber of some type, and without a bunch of reverb. It's not effects that are causing that, it's the mood of the music. I think it's very moody. It reminds me of a Peter Murphy solo album or something like that." - Trey 1994
2. The Real Thing
(1989 - Gould, Bottum)
The title track from 1989's breakthrough album The Real Thing is truly a masterpiece. At over eight minutes long it is bursting with incredible moments. From triumphant guitar riffs to atmospheric keyboards, from anthemic drum patterns to impassioned and dramatic vocals - remember Patton put the lyrics to already written music in a matter of weeks.
Out of all the songs on the band's 1989 opus TRT captures the essence of Faith No More in this period perfectly yet it still sounds as magnificent on stage in current times.
Drum roll please...
The greatest Faith No More song voted by you is...
1. Midlife Crisis
(1992 - Patton, Bottum, Bordin, Gould)
Released a two weeks before the album as the premiere single from 1992's Angel Dust Midlife Crisis has come out on top with a average of 9 out of 10. MC also topped our Facebook poll, it topped Consequence of Sound and Kerrang!'s greatest song poll, and was voted second by readers of Revolver Magazine.
'On 'Midlife Crisis' Patton starts with a snide, sibilant rap, swoons upward in a jazzy, Al Jarreau-ish arc, then slugs it out in a close combat cut and thrust that's pure hardcore. The lyrics lash and lambaste some middle-class, lard ass, play-safe type who's built up a cocoon of security and comfort. The line 'Your menstruating heart' - doubtless aimed at 'wet liberals' and people who profess to care a lot - is deeply revealing. For FNM, feelings of tenderness, empathy and solidarity are threatening, female and fluid, a loathsome discharge.' - Melody Maker
The mood of MC shifts between eerie verses and brilliantly euphoric choruses.
Bordin's perfectly timed rhythm introduces the song, a percussive snap which is one of those instantly recognisable drum parts that Puffy does so well. The haunting string sound of Roddy's keys add colour, however shadowy. While Mike Patton's hoarse whispered vocal and rhapsodic outbursts depict his schizophrenic behaviour perfectly, his lyrics are the most inspiring yet twisted on the album.
The video for MC is arguably the best FNM video of all time. Directed by Kevin Kerslake it is dark, dramatic and cinematic abstract, a perfect visualisation of the song's temperament.
Is MC Faith No More's greatest song? Well that is of course subjective - however out of the 105 recorded tracks it has attained the highest number of votes from the fans.
Below are some more interesting statistics we a have assembled.
Album ranking
Angel Dust - 8.03 Average/song
King For A Day Fool For A Lifetime - 7.90 Average/song
The Real Thing - 7.68 Average/song
Album Of The Year - 7.42 Average/song
Sol Invictus - 7.41 Average/song
Introduce Yourself - 6.49 Average/song
We Care A Lot - 5.86 Average/song
Top ten cover songs
This Guy's In Love With You (Radio One Rock Show )
I Started A Joke
Midnight Cowboy
War Pigs
This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us
Spanish Eyes
Let's Lynch The Landlord
Something For The Girl With Everything
Top ten Chuck Mosley songs
We Care A Lot (1987)
As The Worm Turns
We Care A Lot (1985)
Chinese Arithmetic
Introduce Yourself
The Crab Song
Anne's Song
Mark Bowen
Faster Disco
R n' R
Top ten non album tracks
As The Worm Turns (Mike Patton Version)
Absolute Zero
Another Body Murdered
The Cowboy Song
The World Is Yours
The Perfect Crime
I Won't Forget You
Sweet Emotion
The Big Kahuna
Light Up & Let Go
Below is the full list of all 105 Faith No More songs included in this poll with the average out of 10 each scored.